Visas, Traveling, and Baking – Oh My!

I had to make a second emergency trip back to the US to care for my mom who has needed some special care. This was my second trip in two months, leaving on March 24th for a fairly exhausting journey and subsequent three weeks in the US. Despite these challenges, we accomplished one key need right before I left: the renewal of our business visas for another year! This is always an exciting moment for us as we rejoice that we continue to call Pokhara home – a place we cherish deeply. Despite the long journey and being far from our cafe, our team came together in my absence to allow several things to fall into place. Their commitment to this project has been an incredible blessing.

  1. The renewal of our visas for another year.

  2. The ability to shop in the US for bakery items and decor for the cafe that we cannot find in Nepal. I went a little crazy at Hobby Lobby acquiring a lot of trays and product displays to bring back with me. I also purchased many baking pans and tools to enhance our production capacity. I never like to waste the opportunity I have in the US to access things we cannot get in Nepal. This trip was no exception.

  3. The testing of new bakery items as we prepare for the revelation of our new cafe menu. Our baker, Rishpa, has been the creative genius behind most of our products and she spent a lot of time creating new recipes while I was gone. (See our Raspberry Cheesecake and Tiramisu below!)

  4. The installation of an AC in our kitchen to help regulate our temperatures for baking.


Tables and Chairs. A Lot of Chairs.


The First Furniture Has Arrived!