A Big Push Forward

This month has seen a lot of challenges and, yet, a lot of progress. After an unexpected trip to the US due to some urgent family needs, I returned to Nepal in mid-February and hit the ground running in arranging numerous crucial pieces of the infrastructure of our cafe. It has been so exciting to watch everything coming together and realizing that we really are very close to opening our doors, despite unexpected travel amid this project. While we had originally pushed for a February opening, it simply couldn’t happen in the time frame we had hoped for. However, we are greatly encouraged by the progress we have made.

Some major updates to rejoice over:

  1. We installed a new roof over the streetside deck which will help to protect guests from the elements. We matched this roof to a covered seating area in the back to bring some consistency with the outdoor style.

  2. We installed a new pergola in the main entry area. This is designed to not only match our wooden beams over our barista area but also tie in some of the outside beam styles as well. This will serve as another place for warm lighting and hanging plants to bring a punch of natural ambiance to the space.

  3. We painted the back bathroom hallway which will become a photo wall of miscellaneous pictures of old Nepal, and modern Nepal, as well as some creative additions to create a fun and entertaining experience.

  4. We began repainting the entire interior to add a fresh clean look to the space that hadn’t been painted in 5 or 6 years. It freshened the whole space and we will rely on colorful furniture to add the punch of color we need. We added one accent wall that matches a color in our logo.


Blessings Through Metal and Wood


Core Infrastructure